Sunday, October 12, 2008
WOW Macros - Druid Feral Macros
Feral Macros
Cat Macros
{also: to combine with non-cat macros, add "[stance:3]" in every /cast line}
Faerie Fire / Prowl
/cast [combat, nostealth] Faerie Fire (Feral)(); [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl
{note: the extra () is necessary}
Mangle > Cower / Faerie Fire
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=target Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Cower
/cast [modifier] Faerie Fire (Feral)()
{note: the (Rank N) is necessary, change to your own rank}
Mangle / Ferocious Bite {also: Rip / Faerie Fire}
/cast [modifier] Ferocious Bite; Mangle (Cat)()
{also: replace Ferocious Bite with "Rip" or ""Faerie Fire (Feral)()"}
Mangle / Shred
/castrandom [stance:3] Mangle (Cat)(), Shred, Shred
Pounce / Mangle
/cast [nostealth] Mangle (Cat)(); [stealth] Pounce
Pounce / Mangle / Ferocious Bite {also: Rip / Faerie Fire}
#show Mangle (Cat)()
/cast [modifier] Ferocious Bite; [stealth] Pounce; Mangle (Cat)()
{also: replace Ferocious Bite with "Rip" or ""Faerie Fire (Feral)()"}
Pounce / Mangle > Rake
/castsequence [nostealth] reset=4/target/combat Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Rake, Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
/cast [stealth] Pounce
Pounce / Rake
/cast [nostealth] Rake; [stealth] Pounce
Pounce / Rake / Rip
#show Rake
/cast [modifier] Rip; [stealth] Pounce; Rake
Pounce / Mangle > Rake / Ferocious Bite
/castsequence [nostealth, nomodifier] reset=4/target/combat Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Rake, Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
/cast [modifier] Ferocious Bite; [stealth] Pounce
{also: replace Ferocious Bite with "Rip" or ""Faerie Fire (Feral)()"}
Prowl / Pounce
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Pounce
Prowl / Pounce / Faerie Fire > Mangle > Shred
/castsequence [nostealth, combat] reset=6/target/combat Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5), Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3), Shred
/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; Pounce
{also: replace Shred with "Rake"}
Ravage / Shred
/cast [nostealth] Shred; [stealth] Ravage
Ravage / Shred / Ferocious Bite
#show Shred
/cast [modifier] Ferocious Bite; [stealth] Ravage; Shred
{also: replace Ferocious Bite with "Rip" or ""Faerie Fire (Feral)()"}
Tiger's Fury > Ravage / Shred
#show Shred
/cast [stealth] Tiger's Fury
/cast [stealth] Ravage; Shred
{also: alternate method- "/castsequence [stealth] reset=6 Tiger's Fury, Ravage"}
Trinket > Ravage / Shred
/use Bladefist's Breadth
/cast [stealth] Ravage; Shred
Trinket1 / Trinket2 > Ravage
/use Bladefist's Breadth
/use Terokkar Tablet of Precision
/cast [stealth] Ravage; Shred
{note: the second trinket will only activate if the first trinket fails, but the spell will always cast}
Find Minerals > Find Herbs > Track Humanoids
/castsequence Find Minerals, Find Herbs, Track Humanoids
Prowl + Change Actionbar
/cast [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl
/changeactionbar [stance:3, nocombat] 2
{also: try replacing the nocombat condition in /changeactionbar with "stealth" if you occasionally end up in combat and in stealth without the new actionbar - this may require 2 clicks}
Unstealth + Change Actionbar
/cast [stealth] Pounce
/changeactionbar 1
{also: make a similar macro using "/cast [stealth] Ravage"}
{also: try adding "[nostealth]" condition in /changeactionbar if you occasionally end up out of stealth without the main actionbar - this may require 2 clicks}
(note: you need a mod to switch actionbars based on an event change like unstealthing. macros must be tied to button clicks}
"Update Stealth/Unstealth Actionbar"
/changeactionbar [nostealth] 1; [stealth] 2
{also: to tie this with an actual ability, consider adding "/cast Tiger's Fury" somewhere}
(note: you need a mod to switch actionbars based on an event change like unstealthing. macros must be tied to button clicks}
Maim > Regrowth > Rejuvenation > Cat Form
/castsequence [stance:3] reset=10 Maim,Cat Form; [nostance,target=player] reset=10 Regrowth,Rejuvenation,Cat Form
{also: to use this macro to heal others, include "[nostance,target=targettarget,help] reset=10 Regrowth,Rejuvenation,Cat Form; " and/or "[nostance,target=mouseover,help] reset=10 Regrowth,Rejuvenation,Cat Form; " before the last sequence}
{also: replace Regrowth/Rejuvenation with "Healing Touch" or "Rejuvenation, Swiftmend" if you have it}
Caster Form > Potion > Cat Form *new*
/castsequence reset=3 Cat Form, Enrage
{note: Enrage is used to prevent accidental double-shifting by stopping the castsequence from reaching the end and resetting - any spell/item that will always fail can be used}
Bear Macros
{also: to combine with non-bear macros, add "[stance:1]" in every /cast line}
Demo Roar / Bash
/cast [modifier] Bash; Demoralizing Roar
Enrage + Feral Charge
/cast Enrage
/cast Feral Charge
Feral Charge / Bash {aslo: Mangle / Lacerate / Growl}
/cast Feral Charge
/cast Bash
{also: replace Bash with "Mangle (Bear)()" or "Lacerate" or "Growl"}
/cast [target=mousever, harm] [harm] Lacerate
Maul + auto-attack
#showtooltip Maul
/startattack [nomodifier]
/cast [nomodifier] Maul
/stopattack [modifier]
{note: holding a modifier key will allow you to stop attacking}
Maul + Faerie Fire
/cast Maul
/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)()
Maul + Faerie Fire + auto-attack & Hide Errors
/stopattack [modifier]
/stopmacro [modifier]
/cast Maul
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()
Maul + Feral Charge
/cast Maul
/cast Feral Charge
{note: this cannot be done with the rage from Furor alone}
Maul + Mangle
#showtooltip Mangle (Bear)()
/cast Maul
/cast Mangle (Bear)()
{also: to hide the errors when spamming the macro while Mangle is on cooldown, add "/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()" before the Mangle line, and "/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()" after}
Maul > Mangle
/castsequence reset=5/combat Maul, Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3), Maul, Maul
Maul / Mangle / Faerie Fire
/castrandom Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Bear)(), Mangle (Bear)(), Maul, Maul, Maul
Maul + Faerie Fire > Mangle
/cast Maul
/castsequence reset=6/target/combat Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5), Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3)
"Bear Opener"
/castsequence [nocombat] Enrage, Feral Charge;[combat] reset=30 Faerie Fire (Feral)(Rank 5), Demoralizing Roar, Maul, Mangle (Bear)(Rank 3), Maul, Swipe, Maul
"Buffed Pull"
/castsequence [nostance, target=player] reset=target/combat Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Barkskin, Bear Form
/cast [stance:1] Feral Charge
Moonfire > Bear Form / Faerie Fire
/castsequence [nostance] reset=combat Moonfire, Dire Bear Form; [stance:1] Faerie Fire (Feral)()
{also: insert "Starfire, " before Moonfire}
Bash > Regrowth > Rejuvenation > Bear Form
/castsequence [stance:1] reset=60 Bash, Dire Bear Form; [nostance, target=player] reset=60 Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Dire Bear Form
{also: replace Regrowth/Rejuvenation with "Healing Touch" or "Rejuvenation, Swiftmend" if you have it}
Bash > Nature's Swiftness > Healing Touch > Bear Form
/castsequence [stance:1] reset=60 Bash, Dire Bear Form
/cast [nostance] Nature's Swiftness
/castsequence reset=10 [nostance, target=player] Healing Touch, Dire Bear Form
{also: to use this macro to heal others, include "[nostance,target=targettarget,help] reset=10 Healing Touch,Dire Bear Form; " and/or "[nostance,target=mouseover,help] reset=10 Healing Touch,Dire Bear Form; " before the last sequence}
Caster Form > Potion > Bear Form
/castsequence reset=3 Dire Bear Form, Cower
{note: Cower is used to prevent accidental double-shifting by stopping the castsequence from reaching the end and resetting - any spell/item that will always fail can be used}